
Founded in November 2009, Softerize is specialized in web development for management teams.

We're experienced in different areas, with a focus in process improvement. From ideation of new solutions, to manual process digitization and replacement of email and spreadsheets routines.

What We Do


What We Do


We can help you in designing the best solution for your information system, with attention to usability and team work performance.


Custom software development for your business and continuous improvement, ensuring our software keep up to your companies changing needs. We use Laravel and VueJS/Blade.


Besides creating responsive web apps, we also work with native Android apps.

Get in touch


Who We Are

Oscar Dias

Oscar Dias

CEO - Chief Executive Officer

Graduated in Computer Science at UFRGS, also holds a Project Management MBA from FGV and a Master of Information Technology Management from Sydney University. Started his professional career in 2003 and worked in companies like ADP and SAP, before founding Softerize in 2009.

Filipe Echevengua

Filipe Echevengua

CTO - Chief Technology Officer

Graduated in Computer Science at UFRGS, also holds a Msc in Data Visualization from the same university. Started as an intern at Softerize in 2013 and worked at ADP. Returned to Softerize as a Partner and Developer, becoming Lead and CTO, managing and supporting the entire software development area.

Adão Júnior

Adão Júnior

CXO - Chief Experience Officer

Studying Computer Science at UFRGS. Started at Softerize in 2019 as a intern, later becoming a Partner. Started as Mobile Developer, becoming Full Stack, always looking to improve his knowledge and learn new technologies. Today he is our CXO, helping Softerize to find the best solutions for our clients.

Pedro Augustin

Pedro Augustin

Lead Developer

Studying Computer Engineering at UFRGS. Started as a intern in 2021 and currently works with development, using Laravel and VueJS, besides other frameworks and programming languages. Currently is Lead and works focused on our SaaS, Softerize Matriz.

Rua Felipe Neri 428/202
Porto Alegre, RS,

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